drfmoopen@doctor.com | drfmoopen@gmail.com +91 495 2306848, 2305551 | +91 495 2771282

Dental Tourism

Holidaying in Kerala? Why not design your smile?

India is an ideal tourist destination with its cultural diversity and history. Experience India and combine that with getting a beautiful smile! You'll find the cost still less that what you would have paid for a visit to the dentist in some countries!

Dental procedures expensive in your home country? Is it in your mind to have an elective dental procedure done but have been delaying by the prohibitively high costs? Do you or a loved one need a medically indicated procedure or surgery but simply cannot afford it in your country of residence?

The answer is simple. We encourage you to contact us to see how you can benefit from us!

The main holiday dental packages we undertake are:
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Tooth Color Filling
  • Close of Gap
  • Tooth Extraction
  • Root Canal Treatment
  • Full Porcelain
  • Pit & Fissure Sealants
  • Oral Prophylaxis
  • Gum Surgery
  • Orthognathic Surgery
  • Dental Implants

We wish to welcome you all to come and experience the mesmerizing beauty of Kerala with superlative dental care. Tour packages and the rejuvenating Ayurveda Treatments can be arranged for you on request. Now for the cost of a single dental procedure abroad, you can wing your way in, have a treatment and enjoy an exotic holiday in the land of coconut palms and backwaters. It can never get better than this!


